Testing the Logistics Model of Supplying Military Vehicles with Spare Parts

  • Robert Spudić
  • Božidar Ivanković
  • Vlado Kovačević
Keywords: stocks, supply, stochastic model, spare parts


The use of advanced transport means understands alsotheir supply by spare and consumable parts. In order to solvethe problem of the required quantities, costs of purchase andstorage of the parts, it is necessary to solve the problem of stocksmanagement. The wear of tyres for military vehicles in extremeexploitation conditions is of random character. How fast thetyres will wear on the all-ten·ain and heavy motor vehicle dependson the driver's skill and the external conditions (weather,terrain). All the conditions are of random character and in orderto determine as accurately as possible the wear of tyres it isnecessary to monitor the wear of tyres within a certain time period,and to find the approximate probability of tyre wear in thefuture period of time. When the probability of tyre wear is determined,stochastic supply management model is used to calculatethe value of the stocks which allows optimal planning ofstocks of spare parts at minimal costs. The stochastic model allowsoptimal calculation for the purchase of consumable partsof transport means whose consumption depends on the randomconditions and events.


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How to Cite
Spudić R, Ivanković B, Kovačević V. Testing the Logistics Model of Supplying Military Vehicles with Spare Parts. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];19(4):233-6. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/956
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