Modem Communications Systems Development Guidelines in Function of Air Traffic Safety ...

  • Petar Obradović
  • Leon Flatz
  • Perica Ljubičić
Keywords: air traffic control, communications system, technological development, air traffic safety, economic benefit


The communications requirements in air traffic control areincreasing in complexity. From the middle 90s, huge progress inairport infrastructure, especially in air traffic control systems,has been made in Bosnia and Herzegovina in damage rehabilitation,caused by war conflicts, owing, first of all, to the EuropeanUnion aid that contributed to the re-establishment of regularinternational air traffic. The current air traffic control systemhas matured in its functionality. Therefore, the phase of advancementand preparation for the technological improvementis the next logical step. However, before establishing a new communicationsstrategy, the current application trends have to beanalyzed in details according to the existing communicationsenvironment interfaces. The goal of this work is to find theguidelines of technological development that will result in moreefficiency, safety and economic benefit in the near future, butthe air traffic safety must not be compromised by economicbenefit.


ICAO: Aeronautical Telecommunications, Annex 10,

Volume Ill, July 1995

ICAO Doe 9804 Manual on Air Traffic Services (ATS)

Ground-Ground Voice Switching and Signalling, First

Edition, 2002

CEATS UAC Operational Requirement Document,

Ed. 1.0, (CEATS/OPS/ORD/01-1.0.), 30 May 2003

How to Cite
Obradović P, Flatz L, Ljubičić P. Modem Communications Systems Development Guidelines in Function of Air Traffic Safety . Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];19(3):187-93. Available from:
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