Principles of Selection, Implementation and Utilization of RFID in Supply Chain Management

  • Juraj Vaculik
  • Ivan Michalek
  • Peter Kolarovszki
Keywords: RFID, supply chain management, processes, implementation


The paper deals with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)implementation and utilization within supply chain managementand also includes the economic feasibility of rollingout RFID. The members of the supply chain networks- suppliers,manufacturers and distributors - will operate independentlyfrom one another and according to their own agendas.This type of unmanaged network, howeve1; results in inefficiencies.The manufacturer might have a goal of maximizing productionin order to minimize unit costs. Clearly, all members ofthe supply chain stand to gain by coordinating their efforts toimprove efficiency and overall supply chain performance. Thisarticle is divided into three parts: Supply chain, Economic feasibilityof rolling out RFID and Processes of Supply chain management.


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V. D. Hunt, A. Puglia, M. Puglia, RFID: A Guide to Radio Frequency Identification, ISBN 97 0470107645 2007

Poirier Charles, RFID Strategic Implementation and ROI: A Practical Roadmap to Success, ISBN 1-932159-47-9, J. Ross Publishing, Inc. 2006

Vaculik Juraj. a kol. : Telematicke sluiby II, vysokoskolska ucebnica, EDIS 2007, ISBN 978-80-8070-690-6,

Sulgan Marian: Pilotny projekt logistickeho parku v regi6ne Zilina. Medzinarodna konferencia Dopravna infrastruktura v mestach. Zilina, 6. - 7. 12. 2006, str. 109-113. Vydal EDIS- vydavate!'stvo ZU Zilina 2006. ISBN 80-8070-621-2.

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How to Cite
Vaculik J, Michalek I, Kolarovszki P. Principles of Selection, Implementation and Utilization of RFID in Supply Chain Management. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];21(1):41-8. Available from: