Contribution to the Optimisation of the Cargo Transportation Problem

  • Zdenka Zenzerović
  • Svjetlana Bešlić
Keywords: knapsack problem, dynamic programming, container carriage


The paper deals with modelling of the problem concerningthe transportation of various kinds of cargo with one transportmeans from one source to one or more destinations. The mathematicalmodel of such a problem can assume different forms,often involving a non-linear criterion function and either a linearor non-linear constraints, with an optimal solution beingachievable by the dynamic programming method. The solutionto the problem concerning transportation of different cargoescan be approached as a problem of either a simple or a complexdistribution of a single source. The example presented in the paperillustrates how an optimum structure of container carriageby sea can be determined.


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How to Cite
Zenzerović Z, Bešlić S. Contribution to the Optimisation of the Cargo Transportation Problem. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.23];15(2):65-2. Available from:
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