A Heuristic Approach to Satellite Link Capacity Planning Applied in Mobile Networks

  • Srećko Krile
Keywords: optimal capacity expansion, satellite link capacity planning, mobile satellite networks, QoS in mobile satellite networks


The efficient heuristic algorithm for sizing of N satellite capacitytypes (on LES side of/ink) in mobile networks during exploitationis being developed, minimizing the total expansioncost. Using the network flow approach and the extreme flowthe01y many expansion solutions (sub-problems) are eliminatedfrom further calculation because they consist at least ofone flow that cannot be a part of optimal expansion sequence.At first, the heuristic algorithm is compared with algorithmbased on exact approach. In all numerical test-examples thebest possible result is achieved. After that we developed andtested some algorithm options, using various limitations for capacitystate values. It is obvious that all heuristic options areve1y effective and for some cases they are capable to find thebest possible result but with significant savings. It means thatour heuristic approach can be successfully applied to short-term or medium-term satellite network planning with finitenumber of discrete time periods. Only if we apply adequate heuristicsolution can we ensure both significant improvement ofQoS (Quality of Setvice) and minimal capacity expansion cost.


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How to Cite
Krile S. A Heuristic Approach to Satellite Link Capacity Planning Applied in Mobile Networks. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.17];15(1):19-. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/865
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