Razvoj vozila s uvažavanjem održavanja u životnom vijeku kao čimbenika kakvoće

  • Miomir Lazović


In the article is given some acceptable metodology for projectingand designing of complex mechanical systems as like asvehicle, construction and other, ... with consideration of themaintenance and vehicle maintenability. The analysis is orderedon the problem of bilding the structure of product andtheir functional or designing decomose. At the same time it wasdiscused about level of the structure regarding to requirementsto easy maintenance. The modularity structure of a vehicle isthe condition of modern and effectivenes approach to maintenancewith complitly infOimation support.


Imeche: Vehicle Conditioning Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis.

International Conference, London, 1985.

D. ZELENOVIC, J. TODOROVIC: Efektivnost sistema

u masinstvu. Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1981.

How to Cite
Lazović M. Razvoj vozila s uvažavanjem održavanja u životnom vijeku kao čimbenika kakvoće. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.5];8(4-5):139-46. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/831
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