Reconstruction of Wooden Sleepers by Fitting in Plastic Screw Dowels

  • Eugen Varga


Over three million wooden sleepers are built into the Croatianrailway tracks. The durability of these sleepers depends verymuch on the fastening between the sleepers and the rails providedby the sleeper screws. The author suggests various systemsfor the fastening of the sleepers and the rails, especial~v in caseof the old ones, and particularly using the plastic replacingdowels.


0. Morgenschweis, R. Pichlmaier, H. Rabe H. Rabe, H.

Schultheiss: 'Bauarten des Oberbaues', EisenbahnFachverlag,

Mainz, 1979.

R. Pichlmaier: 'Der Bundesbahn-Oberbau', Eisenbahn-

-Fachverlag, Mainz, 1981.

A. Stipetic: 'Rjecnik zeljeznickog nazivlja', Institut Prometa i veza Zagreb, Zagreb, 1994.

J. Bozicevic: 'Suvremeni Gomji Stroj', ZTP-Zagreb,

Zagreb, 1966.

DB-Bauarten des Oberbaues, Eisenbahn-Fachverlagl

/Heidelberg-Mainz, Volume 8/12, 1979.

Translation Of Circular Letter From The Permanent Way

Department of Deutsche Bundesbahn to all Regions,

dated l3

How to Cite
Varga E. Reconstruction of Wooden Sleepers by Fitting in Plastic Screw Dowels. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];9(5-6):269-71. Available from:
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