Analytical Survey on the International Exchange of Croatian Letter Mail

  • Marijan Bolarić


1991 was the first year of operation of the Croatian Postand Telecommunications (HPT) in the independent state ofCroatia.The public corporation HPT- Croatian Post and Telecommunicationswas established by a resolution brought by theCroatian Parliament followed by a decree pronouncing the Acton founding of the public Croatian postal and telecommunicationcorporation.This survey has studied, analysed and evaluated the internationalexchange of Croatian Letter mail with the rest of theworld from 1991-1996.


HPT annual reports during the period 1991-1996

B. Bogovic, M. Perak. Z. Radacic: 'Ekonomika prometnog

si.stema', Zagreb, Fakultet prometnih znanosti,

D. Salvatore: 'Ekonomija za menediere u svjetskoj

privredi', 11 izdanje, Biblioteka Gospodarska misao,

Vara:ldin, 1994.

M. Bolaric: HPT list, 'Prava infonnacija na pravom

mjestu upravo vrijeme', Strucni prilog, J

How to Cite
Bolarić M. Analytical Survey on the International Exchange of Croatian Letter Mail. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];9(5-6):253-9. Available from:
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