Information Support to Transport-Logi stic Infrastructure in the Port of Koper

  • Boris Marzi


Besides the trade flow, the Port of Koper, as an organisationalfonn of co-operation between parties offering transportservices, needs also the infonnation flow in the area it covers.The article shows the possibility of graphic presentation ofthe Port transport and logistic infrastructure and the graphiccommunication between all the users of the Port area. The intranetconnection gives every user the insight into the systemwhere all the requested data for an efficient exploitation of a detenninedinfrastructure are available.The possibility of applying the intranet connections in thewhole operating system of the enterprise offering port services isillustrated in the conclusion.


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How to Cite
Marzi B. Information Support to Transport-Logi stic Infrastructure in the Port of Koper. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];10(5-6):315-8. Available from:
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