Technology of ICN Trains on Croatian Railway Lines

  • Miroslav Puljiz
  • Ivan Kendel
  • Slobodan Žnidarić
Keywords: JCN (tilting) trains, brakes, transport, technology and logistics, passenger handling


The rolling stock of the Croatian Railways (HZ) for thepassenger transport has reached a very low point of reliability,which for the moment still guarantees travelling safety. Besides,the Croatian Railways are facing an important moment of applyingthe new Law on Railways which places the commercialsector of the system directly on the market. Within the modernizationprocesses at the Croatian Railways 8 tilting trains DMB7124 have been purchased, which in VR 2003/2004 operatedon the Zagreb-Split-Zagreb relation, implementing the newJCN brand. The work deals with the analysis of the technologyapplied on JCN trains, as a certain novelty compared to the previoustechnological solutions that existed at the Croatian Railways.


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How to Cite
Puljiz M, Kendel I, Žnidarić S. Technology of ICN Trains on Croatian Railway Lines. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.23];18(4):271-7. Available from:
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