Development of River Traffic in the Traffic System of Central Croatia

  • Dragan Badanjak
  • Marijan Rajsman
  • Čedomir Dundović


From the aspect of public transport of passengers andgoods, the traffic system in Central Croatia consists of road,rail, air and river subsystems. Regarding their share in the volumeof passenger and cargo transport as well as the carried outtransport operations in the traffic system of Central Croatia,road and rail traffic are the dominant traffic subsystems. Regardingits technical, technological, organizational and economicindicators, the river traffic system represents the less developedsubsystem of the traffic system of Central Croatia, andthe situation in this respect is not much different at the nationallevel either.The possibilities for the development of river traffic systemhave not been sufficiently used, although the potential trafficdemand for the transportation services are substantial, especiallywhen considering the river Sava which potentially offersa direct connection to the trunk European waterway. The advantagesof the Central Croatian location undoubtedly lie inthe traffic and geo-strategic position, but the value of this locationcan be used only then when the quality level of the trafficsystem and the construction level of the infrastructurecatch up with the ones in the developed European countries.The conditions for the traffic development are first of allstrong and daily faster changes in the strata, especially regardingthe implementation of new solutions and increasing theefficiency of the overall traffic system. It is precisely for thisreason that special interest should be to study the traffic valuesaccording to the available data, establish their possiblerules as function of time, and design appropriate mathematicalmodels with the aim of forecasting the traffic developmentin the future.


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How to Cite
Badanjak D, Rajsman M, Dundović Č. Development of River Traffic in the Traffic System of Central Croatia. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.9];18(3):197-05. Available from:
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