Simulation Modelling and Heuristics Optimization of Material Flow of the Port Cargo System

  • Joško Dvornik
  • Ante Muntić
  • Mirko Bilić
Keywords: system dynamics, modelling, transhipment system, heuristic optimization, continuous and discrete simulation, port manager planner


Simulation Modelling, together with System Dynamics andintensive use of modem digital computer, which means massiveapplication, today very inexpensive and at the same timevery powerful personal computers (PCs), is one of the mostsuitable and effective scientific ways for investigation of the dynamicsbehaviour of non-linear and complex: natural, technicaland organization systems.The methodology of System Dynamics ( Prof dr. J. F arrester- MJT), e. g. a relatively new scientific discipline, in the fonnereducational and designer practice showed its efficiency in practiceas very suitable means for solving the problems of management,behaviour, sensibility, flexibility and sensibility of behaviourdynamics of different systems and processes.The system-dynamics computer simulation methodologywas used from 1991 to 2003 for modelling of dynamics behaviourof a large number of non-linear ship electrical, thenno-dynamical,hydraulic, mechanical and pneumatic systems. Thismethodology is used by students as the material for graduatetheses, and for realization and publishing the results of scientificresearch work by the professors at High Maritime Schooland Maritime Faculty Split.The aim of this paper is to show the efficiency of the applicationof the System Dynamics Simulation Modelling in investigationof behaviours dynamics, one of the Port-Transhipmentsystems presented with mental-verbal, structural and mathematical-computing modules, and it will simulate transhipmentport working processes.


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How to Cite
Dvornik J, Muntić A, Bilić M. Simulation Modelling and Heuristics Optimization of Material Flow of the Port Cargo System. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];18(2):123-35. Available from:
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