Using Face Recognition System in Ship Protection Process

  • Miroslav Bača
  • Željko Hutinski
  • Kornelije Rabuzin
Keywords: ITS, ship, biometrics, face recognition, security


The process of security improvement is a huge problem especiallyin large ships. Terrorist attacks and everyday threatsagainst life and property destroy transport and tourist companies,especially large tourist ships. Every person on a ship can berecognized and identified using something that the personknows or by means of something the person possesses. The bestresults will be obtained by using a combination of the person'sknowledge with one biometric characteristic. Analyzing theproblem of biometrics in ITS security we can conclude that facerecognition process supported by one or two traditional biometriccharacteristics can give very good results regarding ship security.In this paper we will describe a biometric system basedon face recognition. Special focus will be given to crew member'sbiometric security in crisis situation like kidnapping, robbelyor illness.


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How to Cite
Bača M, Hutinski Željko, Rabuzin K. Using Face Recognition System in Ship Protection Process. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];18(2):105-9. Available from:
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