Implementing ETC System on Hungarian Motorway Network

  • Katalin Tanczos
  • Ferenc Meszaros
Keywords: ETC, motorway, acceptability, Hungary


Question of transport infrastructure charges - among others- covers calculation and allocation of infrastructure costsreferring different users. Cost allocation forms the basis of settingthe user charges. The reason for the existence of applyingmileage-proportional pricing system is generally accepted, asthe European regulations also discuss this topic seriously. Thismileage-proportional pricing system demands an appropriatetoll collecting system, which meets the requirements of arrangedprinciples. Among these, the most important principlesare equity, effectiveness and efficiency. Electronic Toll Collecting(ETC) systems are an appropriate solution to solvingcharging problems in various ways according to the differentkind of systems. In Hungary the current motorway charging systemis not an adequate solution for success of these principlesin the long-term. A new, mileage-proportional pricing system isbeing initiated. This study presents the plans of HungarianETC system for motorway network, focusing on introductoryissues. Among several preparatory steps, examining acceptabilitybarriers of ETC system for the stakeholders of transport isneeded. Their problem perception is to satisfy their- often contrary-demands in equal, fair and effective ways. The policy implementationprocess also plays an important role to generatesufficient conditions to implement this solution. This contributionis to discuss these objectives in applying the ETC system inan acceptable way.


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How to Cite
Tanczos K, Meszaros F. Implementing ETC System on Hungarian Motorway Network. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.23];18(1):47-2. Available from:
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