Market Potential for Traffic System Development

  • Marinko Jurčević
  • Perica Madunić
  • Zdenko Galić
Keywords: traffic, transport, traffic market, traffic infrastructure, traffic policy


The traffic market is, by its nature, a market without importantprerequisites for free competition, because there is notenough flexibility in either supply or demand, which means itdoes not have the basic economic prerequisites for market lawsto develop freely. The relations between traffic service supplyand demand cannot be automatically regulated by the trafficmarket. Therefore, the structuring of the traffic system and theregulating of relationships between specific traffic branches inthe traffic system cannot be left to the sole influence of the trafficmarket. The possibilities of the traffic market, i. e. the influenceon the establishment of a certain structure of the trafficsystem, are very limited. Therefore, the market is partly regulatedby the state and the state regulations of the supply/demandratio. State regulations are implemented through economicand traffic policies.


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How to Cite
Jurčević M, Madunić P, Galić Z. Market Potential for Traffic System Development. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];17(6):337-48. Available from:
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