Model za izračunavanje emisije štetnih sastojaka motornih vozila s oto-motorom i katalizatorom

  • Josip Zavada
  • Ivan Mavrin
  • Ernest Bazijanac


The Article offers a complete model for calculation of emission of harmful components from motor vehicles driven by Otto motor and supplied with three-way catalyst. The calculation model contains several parts. The starting base makes the determination of load of the motor, i.e. torque and speed in order to overcome the imposed resistance of driving. Then there follows a complete thermodynamic calculation process with the motor cylinder for the necessary load. Emission of harmful components at the motor outlet is calculated from the balance state of gas at the combustion end. Finally emission of harmful components after the three-way catalyst outlet taking into account its efficiency. Using this model calculation for vehicle VW Passat driven by Otto motor of volume 2000 cm2 with a three-way catalyst performed in the article. Working regimes are taken according to the vehicle cycle of the Europe-test.


J. ZAVADA, S. PERŠE: Smanjenje emisije štetnih komponenata ispusnih plinova oto-motora primjenom katalizatora. Zbornik radova Simpozija SEPJ'88, str. 171-174.

J. ZAVADA: Matematički model određivanja sastava ispusnih plinova Ottovog motora u eksploatacijskim uvjetima. Doktorska disertacija, Zagreb, 1985.

How to Cite
Zavada J, Mavrin I, Bazijanac E. Model za izračunavanje emisije štetnih sastojaka motornih vozila s oto-motorom i katalizatorom. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2024Oct.22];7(3):67-8. Available from:
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