Organizacije za održavanje zrakoplova prema JAR-u 145

  • Boris Smrečki


The paper deals with the issues of aircraft maintenance management per JAR 145. The introduction of JAR 145 has set the requirement for European airlines to adjust to the new system of maintenance and issuance of certificates on completed servicing as required by the Joint Airworthiness Requirements. From JAR 145 standards originate the requirements for personnel and equipment in compliance with ISO 9002, management aspects and types of servicing.


Maintenance Steering Group - Maintenance Program Development. Air Transport Association of America, Washington, 1993.

Federal Aviation Administration - FAR - Part 23, Part 145, Washington, November 1993.

European Joint Aviation Authorities - JAR - 145 Approved Maintenance Organizations. Hoofddrop, March 1994.

European Joint Aviation Authorities, Definitions and Abbreviations. Hoofddrop, 1987.

Commuter Air International, The Global Exchange of Certifications and AirWorthiness Approvals. May 1993. (6] lAP Inc., Aircraft Inspection and Maintenance. Casper, 1992.

How to Cite
Smrečki B. Organizacije za održavanje zrakoplova prema JAR-u 145. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];6(6):175-8. Available from:
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