Prijevoz živih životinja željeznicom

  • Nada Štrumberger


The paper deals with the conditions and terms and methods of carriage of live animals in railway traffic. Live animals can be accepted for carriage in cages or without them, only with appropriate accompanying veterinary/sanitary papers. Transport must be organized in conformance with respective rules and precaution measures in order to have animals reach destination unharmed and alive. During transport adequate care is taken about fodder and water, airing and cleanliness of wagons, while at the end of carriage wagons are obligatorily disinfected.


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D.MITROVIĆ, R.BULAJIC: Uputstvo 161 o postupcima pri prijevozu putnika i prtljage. Beograd, 1989.

Pravilnik o na~inu dezinfekcije prijevoznih sredstava kojima se prevoze pošiljke životinja, proizvodi životinjskog podrijetla i otpadna animalna tvar. Narodne novine, 1992,7.

N.ŠRUMBERGER: Tehnologija materijala I. FPZ, Zagreb, 1990.

How to Cite
Štrumberger N. Prijevoz živih životinja željeznicom. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.10];6(5):133-7. Available from:
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