Mjesto i uloga Zagreba u riječnom prometu Hrvatske i Europe

  • Alojz Brkić


In the light of the fact that the traffic system of the Republic of Croatia makes part of the European and world traffic system and that the geographical location of Croatia creates major comparative advantages for the nation as a maritime, Mediteranean and Danube-basin country to develop traffic for its own needs and of other countries - the role of river transport becomes evident. The river transport in the Republic of Croatia offers major possibilities for serving the industry and businesses in freight transport in domestic and international traffic. The river navigation routes in Croatia lie in economically most developed regions. The nation's potentials in utilization of river navigation are rather pronounced, and if we keep in mind that this makes one of the least expensive aspects of transport its advantages become clearly manifest. In parallel with promoting river navigation on the Danube as planned in cooperation with Europe, the traffic policy should become an instrument of influence in promoting river navigation on the Sava and the Drava as important Danube tributaries, with supporting the development of the river fleet of vessels in conformance with the requirements of respective transport demand forecasts. Particular attention should be assigned to the development of the existing and building of new river ports in particular on the Sava River, in the first place in Zagreb, Jasenova, Samac and Zupanja. For reasons of quality and technology aspected justified and sound option of better linkage of the Adriatic and the Danube-basin region i.e. of Croatia and the Central European countries, it is indispensable to build the port of Zagreb (as the most rational/ink of the Adriatic and the Danubebasin region) and initiate the construction of the Samac-Vukovar Canal as a direct fluvial exit of Croatia in to Europe and beyond.

How to Cite
Brkić A. Mjesto i uloga Zagreba u riječnom prometu Hrvatske i Europe. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.10];6(3-4):67-4. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/537
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