Uvođenje AOP-a u RJ Autoprijevoz-poduzeća HPT u Splitu

  • Ljubomir Juričev-Martinčev
  • Slavomir Stankov
  • Zoran Eremija


The automatic data processing makes an absolute requirement of modem times, while the business organizations and institutions which fail to recognize this need and organize make arrangements for such data processing inevitably lag beh.znd the times and meet with difficulties in operations. This has fully b.een recognized in the ''Autoprijevoz' Division of the Croatian Posts in Split. The paper initially deals with the organization of transport and then discusses the need for the introduction of the automatic data processing while the authors subsequently review the system requirements as originating from this new method of data processing.

How to Cite
Juričev-Martinčev L, Stankov S, Eremija Z. Uvođenje AOP-a u RJ Autoprijevoz-poduzeća HPT u Splitu. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.13];4(6):201-5. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/499
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