Pretpostavke izgradnje informacijskog sustava za promet

  • Vladimir Žanić


This paper deals with the analysis of the prerequisites for the introduction of the traffic information system (ISP), taking social and technological aspects of traffic as respective points of departure. The very specific features of traffic (massive participation, public aspect large investments, influences upon community prosperity, and adverse impacts of traffic, international aspect interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary aspects) largely determine the traffic information system. The traffic information system has been defined as well as its organization or management both as of an independent system and as viewed within the scope of the community system of information. The traffic information system comprises the information segment designed for meeting the requirements of public information on traffic, and specialized information segment designed for management of the traffic system. For reasons of importance of the traffic information system in the process of successful management of the traffic system and a public information system, it has been recommended to have the development of the traffic information system in the jurisdiction of the administrative authorities in charge of traffic. High demand for road traffic, large investments in to the development of road traffic yet also in mitigating the impacts of traffic, highlight this traffic aspect as a priority one, in the process of the development of the traffic information system. A long-term information policy makes a prerequisite for the introduction of the traffic information system.


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How to Cite
Žanić V. Pretpostavke izgradnje informacijskog sustava za promet. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];4(3):73-7. Available from:
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