Marketing u prometu

  • Rudolf Sabolović


New Views of Marketing in Passenger Railway Traffic in the Light of More Vigorous Orientation of the Croatian Railways on to Market-Aspected Operations Marketing in traffic has its specific features detennined by the characteristics of the users of service and the service itself The reported share of the railways in passenger transport in the year 1955 was approximately 80%. Since then, it has reported a stable decrease to reach bare 10% in the year 1980. In the decade of 1981 do 1990, first a slight increase in the number of passengers and then an abrupt drop and final stabilization of the share of the railways up to about 20% was listed. In an effort to increase the number of passengers the railways must employ new modem methods of marketing activity. At the same time it must create technical and technological prerequisites in order to become attractive again for the potential passengers. This calls for indispensable investments in rolling stock, advertising and promotion campaigns, and particularly in skilled manpower.

How to Cite
Sabolović R. Marketing u prometu. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];4(3):65-1. Available from:
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