Trend razvoja skupine financijskih usluga pošta

  • Slavko Jaram


This paper deals with the definition and review of financial postal services group in the period of 1981-1989 . Based upon the review the author draws his conclusions on the existing clearly pronounced divergence in the tendencies of individual types of services, involving their division in two opposite development trends. Payment operations and banking services for different business banks show high rates of annual increase while at the same time postal money orders and banking services of the Postal Saving Bank mark steady decrease in the years of the observed period. However, viewed as a group of services (a segment) they have marked a high average annual rate of increase of6.2% for the territory of the Yugoslav Posts and 5. 5 % for the territory of the Croatian Posts due to a dominant share of the former of 93% for Yugoslavia and 95% for Croatia as compared to the latter.

How to Cite
Jaram S. Trend razvoja skupine financijskih usluga pošta. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Jan.23];3(3):137-40. Available from:
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