Možnosti in pogoji vključevanja JŽ v mednarodni kopenski kontejnerski transport

  • Tatjana Kobilica


This paper deals with the development aspected orientation of the combined transport in Europe, in the first place of the EC member states, Austria and Switzerland, for the author to subsequently review the traffic policy and measures for the advancement of combined transport in the mentioned countries. In the second part of the paper the author discusses the significance of container transport in Yugoslavia and the indispensability of adaptation to the trends in the aforementioned countries and specifies respective measures to be taken for integration of our transport system into the combined transport system of Europe with particular reference to the aspired-to cooperation with the EC.


LG Prometni institut Ljubljana, Prometna politika v državah zahodne Ewope in v Jugoslaviji, Ljubljana, februar 1990.

LG Prometni institut Ljubljana, Kombinirani kontejnerski transport v državah zahodne Evrope in v Jugoslaviji, Ljubljana, februar 1990.

How to Cite
Kobilica T. Možnosti in pogoji vključevanja JŽ v mednarodni kopenski kontejnerski transport. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.5];2(5-6):345-8. Available from:
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