Bimodalne transportne tehnologije - faktor povezivanja Jugoslavije i EZ

  • Čedomir Ivaković


This paper deals with different methods of bi-modal transport technology as well as the possibility of their application. The concept and term of bi-modal technology has been defined, respective advantages and disadvantages have been reviewed and a comparison drawn as to their economical aspect based upon respective data for piggy-back transport.


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l. ŽUPANOVIĆ: Tehnologija cestovnog prometa, FPZ, Zagreb, 1986.

l. MARKOVIĆ: Nove tehnologije transporta i njihov utjecaj na privredu, FPZ, Zagreb, 1985.

Č. IVAKOVIĆ: Robno-transportni centri i kontejnerski terminali kao faktori unapređenja prijevoza željeznicom, Savjetovanje 'Željeznice Hrvatske 1976-2000. godine,Opatija 2. i 3. travanj 1987.

Č. IVAKOVIĆ, A. KOLAK: Kontejnerski prijevoz željeznicom i uvođenje novih transportnih tehnologija, Suvremeni promet, FPZ, Vol. 1 O, br. 6, 1988.

Cargoware International, The National Magazine, Company Ltd., London, Vol. 2, br. 4, 1990. m The UK based Tiger Rail Ltd, London, 1990.

How to Cite
Ivaković Č. Bimodalne transportne tehnologije - faktor povezivanja Jugoslavije i EZ. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.5];2(5-6):525-31. Available from:
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