Zdravstveni uslovi vozača motornih vozila u Sloveniji i Jugoslaviji

  • Ljubo Đorđević
  • Samo Modic


The cooperation in the EC in traffic and integration into the common market do not condition an equal treatment regarding the physical and mental features of drivers on assignments in international passenger and freight transport. The authors describe the up to date state of affairs in Slovenia and Yugoslavia and the steps taken or to be taken to adapt to them maximum to the regulations of the EC i.e. those originating from the accepted obligations stated in the 1978 Convention.

How to Cite
Đorđević L, Modic S. Zdravstveni uslovi vozača motornih vozila u Sloveniji i Jugoslaviji. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.5];2(5-6):415-9. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/398
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