Development of a Lot-Sizing Model to Prevent Heat Stress and Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders

  • Sezen Korkulu Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Krisztián Bóna Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Keywords: ergonomics, manual material handling, metabolic cost, occupational heat stress, rest allowance


Management of heat stress and metabolic cost is vital for preventing any work-related disorders. In this paper, we integrated rest time formulations for heat strain and metabolic cost to develop a new lot sizing model for preventing heat exposure and work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The effects of heat strain and rest allowance on the total cost of the production supply process were investigated. The problem studied in this paper was the handling of the raw materials placed in boxes by manual material handling in order to supply the material requirement of a production line placed in a production area. For the realisation of the material handling transactions between the raw material warehouse and the production line, Electric Pallet Jack (EPJ) was used. The study covers the investigation of picking, storing, and carrying motions for the manual handling of these materials. The result of the analysis has shown that 8.5% savings were achieved by using the heat strain and rest time in comparison to the total cost of this part of the production line supply process with the ISO 7243 maximum metabolic work limit. Consequentially, the analysis results showed that the developed method demonstrated the viability of lot sizing model optimisation with multiple objectives and complex constraints with regards to the metabolic cost and heat strain.


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How to Cite
Korkulu S, Bóna K. Development of a Lot-Sizing Model to Prevent Heat Stress and Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders. Promet [Internet]. 2021Dec.13 [cited 2025Feb.22];33(6):871-82. Available from: