Saradnja SFRJ-EZ u oblasti statistike saobraćaja

  • Željko Lesić
  • Nadica Miljanović
  • Ahil Dimitrijević


The authors review the up-to-date cooperation between the 'EC and Yugoslavia with respect to the follow-up of the statistical data in the field of transport of common interest for the execution of a common transport policy. The bearers of cooperation are EUROSTAT and SZS, in the course of which particular difficulties originated from the follow-up of road traffic in the light of the fact that our border is annually crossed by approximately 900,000 heavy motor vehicles. In accordance with a new Project of the EUROS 'l' A T Cooperation the study conducted this year of 1990, will yield uniquely higher number of required statistical information as compared to some earlier studies.

How to Cite
Lesić Željko, Miljanović N, Dimitrijević A. Saradnja SFRJ-EZ u oblasti statistike saobraćaja. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.5];2(5-6):289-91. Available from:
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