Integrisani logistički i distributivni sistemi uključivanja u Evropu

  • Risto Perišić


This paper provides quotation of various authors who emphasize the importance of integrated logistics and distribution systems for which the author furnishes clear and well-defined graphic presentations of logistic processes. Giving reference to the conclusion of a distinguished J'oreig11 author that logistics makes the key to business at a single European market after the year 1992, the author reviews the possibilities o[ our country in joining the integrated logistics and distributio11 EC systems and reminds of the dictation aspect of the inexorable competition of the world market to which requirements we must inevitably adapt.

How to Cite
Perišić R. Integrisani logistički i distributivni sistemi uključivanja u Evropu. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];2(5-6):259-63. Available from:
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