Spatial Econometric Cross-Border Traffic Analysis for Passenger Cars – Hungarian Experience

  • Tibor Sipos Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
  • Zsombor Szabó Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
  • Árpád Török Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering
Keywords: transportation geography, spatial econometrics, separation effect, cross-border traffic


The role of cross-border commuting needs is remarkable, given that large cross-border cities tend to have high traffic attractiveness. Thus, agglomeration effects are strongly prevalent in populous settlements close to the border. This is due to the fact that both Hungary and the neighboring countries are burdened by spatial inequalities; therefore, the traffic at the individual border crossing points is unbalanced. Our aim is to show the extent to which the introduction of certain public transport modes contributes to the reduction of cross-border passenger car traffic. In order to do this, we have to set up a spatial econometric model that can simultaneously handle the parallel public transport infrastructure, the cross-border attractiveness of border cities, and the impact of spatial inequalities. The results of the research shed light on how the introduction of each means of transport contributes to increasing the competitiveness of border regions. This will demonstrate the effectiveness of policy tools that can improve the competitiveness of a given macroregion.


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How to Cite
Sipos T, Szabó Z, Török Árpád. Spatial Econometric Cross-Border Traffic Analysis for Passenger Cars – Hungarian Experience. Promet [Internet]. 2021Mar.31 [cited 2024Oct.23];33(2):233-46. Available from: