Impacts of Real-Time Transit Information on Bus Passengers’ Travel Choices Based on Travel Behaviour Survey

  • Yajuan Deng Chang’an University, College of Transportation Engineering, Xian, China
  • Mingli Chen Chang’an University, College of Transportation Engineering, Xian, China
Keywords: real-time transit information, travel strategy, traveller behaviour changes, travel time


Real-time transit information (RTI) service can provide travellers with information on public transport and guide them to arrange departure time and travel mode accordingly. This paper aims to analyse travellers’ choices under RTI by exploring the relationship between the related variables of RTI and passengers’ travel choice. Based on the stated preference (SP) survey data, the ordinal logistic regression model is established to analyse the changing probability of passengers’ travel behaviour under RTI. The model calculation results show that travellers getting off work are more likely to change their travel choice under RTI. When data from the control and experimental groups are compared, the differences in route selection are significant. Specifically, passengers with RTI have a more complex route selection than those without, including their changes of travel mode, departure time, vehicles, and stop choices. The research findings can provide insights into the optimisation of intelligent transit information systems and the strategy of RTI. Also, the analysis of passengers’ travel choice under RTI in the transit network can help to improve network planning.


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How to Cite
Deng Y, Chen M. Impacts of Real-Time Transit Information on Bus Passengers’ Travel Choices Based on Travel Behaviour Survey. Promet [Internet]. 2021Aug.5 [cited 2025Feb.22];33(4):539-50. Available from: