Saobraćaj u BiH i uključivanje u evropski saobraćajni sistem EZ nakon 1992. godine

  • Dragutin Šipka


This paper deals with the issue of traffic in Bosnia and Herzegovina within the scope of changes of the economic system in Yugoslavia which serves the author to put forth some particular aspects of the current traffic status in Bosnia and Herzegovina. By reiterating the indispensable requirement of compatibility of the future EC traffic/transport system, the author draws references to the existing possibilities of traffic in Bosnia and Herzegovina for integration into the European traffic system while emphasizing in this respect as a decisive development - related activity the decision on the required construction of the Šamac – Sarajevo - Kardeljevo highway route.

How to Cite
Šipka D. Saobraćaj u BiH i uključivanje u evropski saobraćajni sistem EZ nakon 1992. godine. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];2(5-6):237-40. Available from:
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