Route Selection and Distribution Cost of Express Delivery: An Urban Metro Network Based Study

  • Junhua Guo East China Jiaotong University, School of Transportation & Logistics
  • Yutao Ye East China Jiaotong University, School of Transportation & Logistics
  • Yafeng Ma East China Jiaotong University, School of Transportation & Logistics
Keywords: express delivery, metro network, improved genetic algorithm, path optimization


Route selection and distribution costs of express delivery based on the urban metro network, referred to as metro express delivery (MeD), is addressed in this study. Considering the characteristics of express delivery transportation and the complexity of the urban metro network, three distribution modes of different time periods are proposed and a strict integrated integer linear programming model is developed to minimize total distribution costs. To effectively solve the optimal problem, a standard genetic algorithm was improved and designed. Finally, the Ningbo subway network is used as an example to confirm the practicability and effectiveness of the model and algorithm. The results show that when the distribution number of express delivery packages is 1980, the three different MeD modes can reduce transportation costs by 40.5%, 62.0%, and 59.0%, respectively. The results of the case analysis will help guide express companies to collaborate with the urban metro network and choose the corresponding delivery mode according to the number of express deliveries required.


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How to Cite
Guo J, Ye Y, Ma Y. Route Selection and Distribution Cost of Express Delivery: An Urban Metro Network Based Study. Promet [Internet]. 2021Apr.1 [cited 2025Feb.22];33(2):283-96. Available from: