Politika obračunavanja amortizacije i revalorizacije infrastrukture PTT prometa

  • Damir Šimulčik


Regularity of economic reproduction is present even in the area of postal traffic - i.e. the postal infrastructure. The process of depreciation represents the transfer of a portion of the worth into a new product or service and has the character of cost which the user must pay in full. For him to be able to bear the charges these values must be in the first place well-grounded. This paper defines the moments which have caused the implementation of a non-consistent policy of assessment of unrealistic depreciation and in this revalorization of postal traffic infrastructure. Depreciation has the central role in the process of reproduction of postal infrastructure i.e. the overall postal traffic while the revalorization makes the basis for the assessment of the current value which if not known makes impossible the evaluation of the actual worth of depreciation and completion of economic reproduction of postal traffic i.e. the infrastructure of postal traffic. This regularity of pattern is imminent to the overall traffic system and economic life of any country.


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How to Cite
Šimulčik D. Politika obračunavanja amortizacije i revalorizacije infrastrukture PTT prometa. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.10];2(3):139-43. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/359
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