Modelling of Queue Length in Freeway Work Zones – Case Study Karaj-Tehran Freeway

  • Mojtaba Mousazadeh Gilandeh Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
  • Sari Sharif Ali University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
  • Mohammad Javad Goodarzi Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
  • Nahid Amini Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • Hassan Latifi Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: freeway work zone, modelling of queue length, traffic parameters, Karaj-Tehran freeway case study


In this study, the traffic parameters were collected from three work zones in Iran in order to evaluate the queue length in the work zones. The work zones were observed at peak and non-peak hours. The results showed that abrupt changes in Freeway Free Speed (FFS) and arrival flow rate caused shockwaves and created a bottleneck in that section of the freeway. In addition, acceleration reduction, abrupt change in the shockwave speed, abrupt change in the arrival flow rate and increase in the percentage of heavy vehicles have led to extreme queue lengths and delay. It has been found that using daily traffic data for scheduling the maintenance and rehabilitation projects could diminish the queue length and delay. Also, by determining the bypass for heavy vehicles, the delay can be significantly reduced; by more than three times. Finally, three models have been presented for estimating the queue length in freeway work zones. Moreover, the procedure shown for creating a queue length model can be used for similar freeways.


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How to Cite
Mousazadeh Gilandeh M, Ali SS, Goodarzi MJ, Amini N, Latifi H. Modelling of Queue Length in Freeway Work Zones – Case Study Karaj-Tehran Freeway. Promet [Internet]. 2021Jan.31 [cited 2025Feb.22];33(1):49-. Available from: