Strategija upravljanja putnim saobraćajem

  • Lazar Cvetanović


Traffic can in certain circumstances cause chaos in the system of traffic network manifested as gridlocks, saturation, bumper- to-bumper traffic, traffic accidents and similar. All this may have further repercussions on general and individual mobility, problems in provisioning of industries and population, additional costs, etc. In all situations we must have available the best-suited strategy of control and management to make the traffic reliable, speedy, economic and adequate to meet the needs. This paper deals with the model of distribution of traffic flows on the system of roads and streets by means of the method of linear programming and organisation. of compilation and processing of traffic information towards an optimal decision- making in the process of traffic management and control.


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L. CVETANOVIĆ: Značaj poznavanja karakteristika saobraćajnog toka s aspekta upravljanja putnim saobraćajem Vojnotehnički glasnik, 1989, 3, SSNO, Beograd.

How to Cite
Cvetanović L. Strategija upravljanja putnim saobraćajem. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.22];2(3):127-31. Available from:
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