Hierarchical Passenger Hub Location Problem in a Megaregion Area Considering Service Availability

  • Huang Yan Tongji University, School of Economics and Management
  • Xiaoning Zhang Tongji University, School of Economics and Management
  • Xiaolei Wang Tongji University, School of Economics and Management
Keywords: hierarchical passenger hub location, megaregion area, service availability, hub choice behavior


The rapid growth of the intercity travel demand has resulted in enormous pressure on the passenger transportation network in a megaregion area. Optimally locating hubs and allocating demands to hubs influence the effectiveness of a passenger transportation network. This study develops a hierarchical passenger hub location model considering the service availability of hierarchical hubs. A mixed integer linear programming formulation was developed to minimize the total cost of hub operation and transportation for multiple travel demands and determine the proportion of passengers that access hubs at each level. This model was implemented for the Wuhan metropolitan area in four different scenarios to illustrate the applicability of the model. Then, a sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the impact of changing key parameters on the model results. The results are compared to those of traditional models, and the findings demonstrate the importance of considering hub choice behavior in demand allocation.


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How to Cite
Yan H, Zhang X, Wang X. Hierarchical Passenger Hub Location Problem in a Megaregion Area Considering Service Availability. Promet [Internet]. 2021Mar.31 [cited 2025Feb.22];33(2):247-58. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/3563