Intersection Redesign for Network Resilience and Safety

  • Antonio Pratelli University of Pisa, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering
  • Pietro Leandri University of Pisa, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering
  • Rosaria Aiello University of Pisa, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering
  • Reginald Roy Souleyrette University of Kentucky, Department of Civil Engineering
Keywords: resilience, resilience of road facilities, traffic system resilience attitude index and metric, urban local


This paper describes a procedure for improving the resilience of roadway networks. A methodology is outlined that develops a time-dependent and performance-based resilience index. This methodology was applied to an Italian road, with the aim of optimizing intersections that are critical due to inadequate baseline capacity. The methodology uses a calibrated microscopic traffic model (using Aimsun™) whereby average delay at intersection approaches are estimated by an analytical model. From the simulation, average speed over time is obtained for each approach. These values in turn are used as inputs for calculating each intersection’s resilience index. The procedure allows the identification of less resilient intersections, and provides design solutions for each of them. Lastly, a safety assessment is tested for one of the intersections.

Author Biography

Rosaria Aiello, University of Pisa, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering




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How to Cite
Pratelli A, Leandri P, Aiello R, Souleyrette RR. Intersection Redesign for Network Resilience and Safety. Promet [Internet]. 2021Apr.6 [cited 2025Feb.22];33(2):297-08. Available from: