Koncipiranje politike financiranja prometne infrastrukture

  • Damir Šimulčik


Traffic infrastructure makes an inseparable part of the social and economic life of the country and plays an important part role in the sphere of a harmonized development of social reproduction. Inadequate conceiving of the policy of construction and maintenance results in a series of negative implications which manifest themselves in not drawing the benefits of geographic/traffic and geo-political location of the country and its individual regions. This paper deals with the diagnosing of non-existence of a long-term traffic policy and the policy of construction and maintenance .of facilities of traffic infrastructure which have adversely resulted in a series of unresolved relationships in all transport industry segments. A non-existence of clear concept of traffic policy over a longer period finds its expression in high transportation costs and missing adequate valorization of geographic/traffic and geo-political location of the SR of Croatia and Yugoslavia in the European traffic system. This referees us to the indispensable requirements of the process of accelerated restructuring in the sphere of conceiving of the traffic policy, construction orientation and realistic economic assessments of the investment operations without any 'tutoring' on the part of state authorities {administration} or else, traffic isolation will be slowly closing on us to turn in the near future into a gloomy reality in case we fail to radically change the investment policy some decades old.


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How to Cite
Šimulčik D. Koncipiranje politike financiranja prometne infrastrukture. Promet [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.11];2(1-2):23-7. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/342
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