Pedestrian Throw Distance Prediction from Vehicle Damage Intensity

  • Nenad Saulić Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad
  • Zoran Papić Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad
  • Zoran Ovcin Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad
Keywords: pedestrian traffic accidents, throw distance, vehicle damage, vehicle speed


One of the main points to be addressed when analysing vehicle-pedestrian collisions is the vehicle impact speed. If the traffic accident is not recorded on camera, and there are no skid marks nor tachograph in the vehicle, the parameter is determined on the basis of empirical models. All empirical models for ascertaining vehicle speed are based on the pedestrian throw distance, which is not always known because of an unidentified vehicle-pedestrian collision point or the final rest position of the pedestrian after collision. This paper shows a description of a vehicle damage recorded in an ordinal scale and determines the pedestrian throw distance prediction model from the vehicle damage established in such a way. If the accident scene is documented by photographs, the damage can be classified, and by applying a validated model, the pedestrian throw distance envisaged. Then, by applying an empirical model, one can determine the speed of the vehicle at the time of collision with a pedestrian. Two databases were formed during the research. The first is based on real-life traffic accidents (expert witnessing of the professors from the Faculty of Technical Sciences). The second is based on traffic accident simulations as part of PC Crash software package.


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How to Cite
Saulić N, Papić Z, Ovcin Z. Pedestrian Throw Distance Prediction from Vehicle Damage Intensity. Promet [Internet]. 2020May10 [cited 2025Mar.10];32(3):371-82. Available from: