Evaluating the Market Share of China Railway Express Lines – A Data-driven Approach

  • Yadi Wang Beijing Jiaotong University
  • Xiaochun Lu Beijing Jiaotong University
  • Yang Wang Beijing Jiaotong University
Keywords: China Railway Express, economic choice, international transit hub


Fuelled by the Belt and Road Initiative, Eurasia railway transport has gained rapid traction. However, China Railway Express is in the development period, information about China Railway Express lines is in chaos, and it is difficult to appraise the market situation. This paper focuses on providing an approach to estimate the market share of every China Railway Express line. In this paper, the crawled data from the website are applied to estimate the customer demands for China Railway Express services in different areas of China. The government subsidy is a factor that cannot be ignored, but its level is unclear. Thus, a dummy regression model was established to estimate the subsidy. The regression result is in line with the data released by the Guangdong Provincial Government in 2017. To identify customers’ preferred choices for particular lines, a multi-objective optimization model has been built. With the crawled demands data and this optimization model, the current and future market share of China Railway Express can be assessed. If the subsidy is cancelled, some China Railway Express lines will lose their market, and only three lines have a bright future.

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Yadi Wang, Beijing Jiaotong University

Major Research Fields: Vehicle Routing Planning, Big Data Analysis in Logistics and Logistics System Simulation.

Personal Experience: 2012.09-2016.07: Shandong Agricultural University, studied in Transportation, Bachelor of Engineering. 2016.09-2017.09: Cardiff University (UK), studied in Operations Research and Manegement, Master of Science. 2018.09-: Beijing Jiaotong University, studied in Logistics Management and Engineering, Doctoral Student.

Xiaochun Lu, Beijing Jiaotong University

Professor in School of Economic and Management in Beijing Jiaotong University.

Research field is logistics big data analysis, operation research and simulation modeling. The research route is to get data features relationship of logistics system by data analyzing; by machine learning and optimization model to solve the problem; by the simulation modeling to verify the solution and try to solve the complex problem.

Yang Wang, Beijing Jiaotong University

Major Research Fields:  Logistics System Simulation


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How to Cite
Wang Y, Lu X, Wang Y. Evaluating the Market Share of China Railway Express Lines – A Data-driven Approach. Promet [Internet]. 2020Feb.6 [cited 2025Feb.22];32(1):91-101. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/3302