Modelling the Pedestrian Speed at Signalised Intersection Crosswalks for Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions

Keywords: pedestrians, crossing speed, crosswalk, intersection, percentile


Pedestrian crossing speed is the key element in the design of pedestrian facilities. It depends on various attributes related to road, traffic and pedestrians. In this paper, an attempt has been made to explore the variation, examine the influencing factors and formulate a model for the pedestrian crossing speed at signalised intersection crosswalks. The data have been collected using video graphic technique at 16 signalised crosswalks of the Chandigarh city. The findings reveal that a 15th percentile crossing speed (1.11-1.31 m/s) exceeds the design crossing speed of 0.95 m/s. It is also higher than the crossing speed of 1.2 m/s, usually being prescribed and adopted in the developed countries. The statistical analysis indicates no significant difference in the percentile crossing speeds between males and females. However, the variation exists among different age groups, group sizes, and crossing patterns. The correlation analysis depicts that the pedestrian crossing speed has significant negative correlation with the crosswalk width, the crosswalk length, the width of the pedestrian island, the classification of road, average traffic flow and average pedestrian delay, whereas the availability of separate bicycle paths at intersections is positively correlated. Furthermore, the stepwise regression model with 70.1 percent accuracy reveals that the crosswalk width, the width of the pedestrian island and the average pedestrian delay play a predominant role in determining the pedestrian crossing speed. The authors propose the usage of the developed model for setting out the standards for the appropriate design crossing speed for different crosswalks having similar geometric and traffic conditions as that of the study area.

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Ankit Bansal, PEC University of Technology

He is currently pursuing Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering (Civil Engineering) on Pedestrian Level of Service from PEC University of Technology in Chandigarh, India. He received his bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College in Ludhiana, India and a master’s degree in Transportation Engineering from PEC University of Technology in Chandigarh, India. He is interested in Traffic Engineering, Transportation Planning and Urban Planning.

Tripta Goyal, PEC University of Technology

She is Professor in Civil Engineering Department in PEC University of Technology. Her Research Interests are Traffic Engineering, Transport Planning and Highway Engineering.

Umesh Sharma, PEC University of Technology

He is Professor in PEC University of Technology. His Research Interests are Highway Engineering, Transportation System planning and Management, Traffic Engineering, Transport Environment Interation.


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How to Cite
Bansal A, Goyal T, Sharma U. Modelling the Pedestrian Speed at Signalised Intersection Crosswalks for Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions. Promet [Internet]. 2019Dec.29 [cited 2025Feb.22];31(6):681-92. Available from: