An Overview of Indicators and Indices Used for Urban Mobility Assessment

  • Krešimir Vidović Ericsson Nikola Tesla
  • Marko Šoštarić Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb
  • Damir Budimir Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb
Keywords: transport, urban mobility, assessment, ecology, society, economy indicators, indices, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)


The urban mobility is affected by global trends resulting in a growing passenger and freight transport demand. In order to improve the understanding of urban mobility in general, to evaluate mobility services and to quantify the overall transport system performance, it is necessary to assess urban mobility. Urban mobility assessment requires the application of methodology integrating different metrics and explicitly applying a multi-dimensional approach. Since scientific community does not define urban mobility in an unambiguous way, part of this paper is devoted to the analysis of the definition of urban mobility. This step enables better understanding of urban mobility in general, as well as understanding of the urban mobility assessment process. Usually, a three-layered approach that includes urban mobility data, indicators and indices is used for the assessment. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to perform extensive research in order to synthesize, define and organize the elements of those layers. The existing urban mobility indicators and indices have been developed for specific urban areas, taking into account local specifications, and they are not applicable in other cities. Also, the choice of urban mobility indicators is mainly related to the existence of data sources, which limits the objective and comparable assessment of the mobility of cities where such data do not exist.


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How to Cite
Vidović K, Šoštarić M, Budimir D. An Overview of Indicators and Indices Used for Urban Mobility Assessment. Promet [Internet]. 2019Nov.14 [cited 2025Feb.22];31(6):703-14. Available from: