Software-defined Architecture for Urban Regional Traffic Signal Control

  • Songhang Chen Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing, Haixi Institutes, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Dan Zhang
  • Fenghua Zhu
Keywords: regional traffic signal control, heterogeneous environment, software-defined RTSC systems, virtualization


Regional Traffic Signal Control (RTSC) is believed to be a promising approach to alleviate urban traffic congestion. However, the current ecology of RTSC platforms is too closed to meet the needs of urban development, which has also seriously affected their own development. Therefore, the paper proposes virtualizing the traffic signal control devices to create software-defined RTSC systems, which can provide a better innovation platform for coordinated control of urban transportation. The novel architecture for RTSC is presented in detail, and microscopic traffic simulation experiments are designed and conducted to verify the feasibility.


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How to Cite
Chen S, Zhang D, Zhu F. Software-defined Architecture for Urban Regional Traffic Signal Control. Promet [Internet]. 2020Mar.26 [cited 2025Mar.28];32(2):229-36. Available from: