Estimation of Critical Headway at Small Urban Roundabout

  • Danijela Maslać University of Mostar, Faculty of Civil Engineering
  • Dražen Cvitanić University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
  • Ivan Lovrić University of Mostar, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Keywords: small urban roundabout, estimation of critical headway, measured capacity, model testing


Before choosing an intersection project design, an important step is to examine the justification of the construction on the basis of defined criteria. One of the key criteria is the analysis of capacity. Large numbers of roundabout capacity models are present in the world, most of them adapted to the conditions of the country they originate from and they need to be calibrated for local conditions. Key parameters for calibration are critical headway and follow-up headway. Follow-up headway can be measured directly in the field, while critical headway cannot be measured, but is estimated. Many critical headway estimation methods exist (over 30) and each of them provides different values. Different values of critical headway result in different capacity estimation values. This raises the question which method provides more realistic estimations under certain conditions. In this paper, four most frequently used critical headway estimation methods (Raff, Maximum likelihood method, Wu, Logit) were selected to be tested by comparison of theoretical capacity models and actual measured capacity at a small urban roundabout.

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Danijela Maslać, University of Mostar, Faculty of Civil Engineering

Danijela Maslać is a Senior Assistant at Department of Transportation  at the University of Mostar, Faculty of Civil Engineering. She received a BSc degree in Civil Engineering, the field Transportation, from University of Mostar, Faculty of Civil Engineering. She is a postgraduate student at the University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy. She is interested in Urban Traffic, Simulation, Transportation, Transportation Planning, Traffic Engineering,  Traffic Safety, Transport Modeling.

Dražen Cvitanić, University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy

Dražen Cvitanić  is a Head of Department of Transportation at the University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy. He received a PhD degree in Civil Engineering, the field Transportation, from University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy. He is interested in Urban Planning, Simulation, Transportation, Transportation Planning, Traffic Engineering, Accident Analysis, Traffic Safety, Transport Modeling, Road Safety, Highway Engineering.

Ivan Lovrić, University of Mostar, Faculty of Civil Engineering

Ivan Lovrić is a Head of Department of Transportation at the University of Mostar, Faculty of Civil Engineering. He received a PhD degree in Civil Engineering, the field Transportation, from University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy. He is interested in Civil Engineering, Traffic, Traffic Flow, Highway and traffic engineering.



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How to Cite
Maslać D, Cvitanić D, Lovrić I. Estimation of Critical Headway at Small Urban Roundabout. Promet [Internet]. 2020Feb.12 [cited 2025Feb.5];32(1):103-17. Available from:

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