Attitudes of Experienced Seafarers as Predictor of ISM Code Implementation: A Croatian Example

  • Darijo Mišković University of Dubrovnik, Maritime Department, Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • Igor Jelaska University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia
  • Renato Ivče University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia
Keywords: safety performance variables, ISM Code implementation, multiple regression analysis


The aim of this paper is to identify what attitudes towards safety performance indicators influence the attitudes towards successfulness of ISM Code implementation among contemporary seafarers. Secondly, the goal of the research was to obtain insight into the seafarer’s attitudes towards the current state of ISM implementation and safety performance. Consequently, a sample of N=330 seafarers was examined regarding their attitudes towards safety performance variables and ISM Code implementation. By using multiple regression analysis it was concluded that well designed and structured safety rules and procedures, positive work environment and adequate communication can make significant contributions to seafarers’ attitudes towards ISM implementation.

Author Biographiesaaa replica rolex repwatches replica rolex watches for men replica iwc watch

Darijo Mišković, University of Dubrovnik, Maritime Department, Dubrovnik, Croatia

PhD Student

Igor Jelaska, University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, Split, Croatia


Renato Ivče, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Rijeka, Croatia



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How to Cite
Mišković D, Jelaska I, Ivče R. Attitudes of Experienced Seafarers as Predictor of ISM Code Implementation: A Croatian Example. Promet [Internet]. 2019Oct.28 [cited 2025Feb.17];31(5):569-7. Available from: