Intelligent Parking Space Control in a System with Reservations

  • Saša Stepanov Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance (MEF), Belgrade, Serbia
  • Zoran Šunjka BAS a.d., Belgrade, Serbia
  • Đorđe Čabilovski Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: parking space control, reservation system, fuzzy logic, Neural Networks


The aim of the system with reservations is to reduce the time the user needs to reach the parking space as well as to rationalize the controlling of demands in the central business districts. When applying the system with reservations, it is necessary to know the user’s travel time to the parking space, as well as the time of parking. The sum of these two periods represents the parking space “occupancy”. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a model for determining the total occupancy of a parking space based on 1) the user’s travel time to the parking space; 2) the user’s duration of parking. Considering the fact that we are dealing with values which cannot be exactly estimated, the fuzzy logic system (FLS) is used. A Neural Network (NN) is trained on the basis of data about the estimated values of the input parameters and the real value of output parameters. Thus, a hybrid model of fuzzy logic and neural networks (ANFIS) is obtained. Finally, there is an example based on the real data which shows the application possibilities of this model.

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Saša Stepanov, Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance (MEF), Belgrade, Serbia

Currently employed at the workplace Advisor to the General Manager for catering services BAS Belgrade Bus Station a.d. Belgrade and the Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance in Belgrade at the Department of Production and Servicing Management.

Zoran Šunjka, BAS a.d., Belgrade, Serbia

Currently employed at the position of Director of Information Technologies Division BAS Belgrade Bus Station a.d. Belgrade.

Đorđe Čabilovski, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia

Currently, he is defending his doctoral thesis at Alfa BK University, Faculty of Finance, Banking and Auditing in Belgrade. Employed in the Army of Serbia, Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia.


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How to Cite
Stepanov S, Šunjka Z, Čabilovski Đorđe. Intelligent Parking Space Control in a System with Reservations. Promet [Internet]. 2019Oct.28 [cited 2025Jan.8];31(5):527-38. Available from: