An Automatic Calibration Procedure of Driving Behaviour Parameters in the Presence of High Bus Volume

  • Nima Dadashzadeh Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Murat Ergun Transportation Eng. Devision, Civil Engineering Faculty, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Sercan Kesten Civil Engineering Division, Department of Engineering, Işık University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Marijan Žura Traffic Technical Institute (PTI), Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Keywords: traffic simulation models, calibration, driving behaviour, Genetic Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, VISSIM


Most of the microscopic traffic simulation programs used today incorporate car-following and lane-change models to simulate driving behaviour across a given area. The main goal of this study has been to develop an automatic calibration process for the parameters of driving behaviour models using metaheuristic algorithms. Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and a combination of GA and PSO (i.e. hybrid GAPSO and hybrid PSOGA) were used during the optimization stage. In order to verify our proposed methodology, a suitable study area with high bus volume on-ramp from the O-1 Highway in Istanbul has been modelled in VISSIM. Traffic data have been gathered through detectors. The calibration procedure has been coded using MATLAB and implemented via the VISSIM-MATLAB COM interface. Using the proposed methodology, the results of the calibrated model showed that hybrid GAPSO and hybrid PSOGA techniques outperformed the GA-only and PSO-only techniques during the calibration process. Thus, both are recommended for use in the calibration of microsimulation traffic models, rather than GA-only and PSO-only techniques.

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Nima Dadashzadeh, Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Transportation Eng Ph.D. at Traffic Technical Institute (PTI), Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Murat Ergun, Transportation Eng. Devision, Civil Engineering Faculty, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

He graduated from ITU Transportation Engineering Master Program in 1989 and PhD in 1997. He has been a visiting scholar during his PhD studies at Belgian Road Research Center in between 1993-1997. He has been a member of teaching staff at the Department of Civil Engineering, ITU since 1986 and He has become Associate Professor in 2009 and currently working at the same Institute. His Post Doctorate research is focused on Traffic Simulation (Microsimulation, Mezosimulation), Transportation Planning, GIS applications in Transportation Modeling and Optimization of Public Transportation.  He is a founding member of the ISMARTI (International Society for Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Transportation Infrastructures) and Middle East Vice President of ISMARTI 2004-2007. He is also a member of Turkish National Road Committee and National Road Council of Turkey.

Sercan Kesten, Civil Engineering Division, Department of Engineering, Işık University, Istanbul, Turkey

He has a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (2005) and M.Sc. Degree (2008) in Transportation Engineering from ITU, Istanbul. He was awarded Japanese Sports, Culture and Education Ministry Scholarship in 2010 and completed his PhD from Yai Lab., Department of Built Environment, Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2013. He has been working Assistant Professor at Işık University Department of Engineering, Civil Engineering Division, since 2014. His research emphasis is on Highway Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Control, Public Rail Transportation and Transportation Planning and Management. Currently he is working on ITU PGR Grant Project entitled “Determination of Equity and Efficiency Properties of Traffic Control Strategies in Istanbul”. He has been actively participating Transportation Infrastructure Projects, Traffic Impact Studies and Transportation Master Plans.

Marijan Žura, Traffic Technical Institute (PTI), Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Prof. Dr.


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How to Cite
Dadashzadeh N, Ergun M, Kesten S, Žura M. An Automatic Calibration Procedure of Driving Behaviour Parameters in the Presence of High Bus Volume. Promet [Internet]. 2019Oct.16 [cited 2025Feb.22];31(5):491-02. Available from: