An Overview of Distributed Denial of Service Traffic Detection Approaches
The availability of information and communication (IC) resources is a growing problem caused by the increase in the number of users, IC services, and the capacity constraints. IC resources need to be available to legitimate users at the required time. The availability is of crucial importance in IC environments such as smart city, autonomous vehicle, or critical infrastructure management systems. In the mentioned and similar environments the unavailability of resources can also have negative consequences on people's safety. The distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks and traffic that such attacks generate, represent a growing problem in the last decade. Their goal is to disable access to the resources for legitimate users. This paper analyses the trends of such traffic which indicates the importance of its detection methods research. The paper also provides an overview of the currently used approaches used in detection system and model development. Based on the analysis of the previous research, the disadvantages of the used approaches have been identified which opens the space and gives the direction for future research. Besides the mentioned this paper highlights a DDoS traffic generated through Internet of things (IoT) devices as an evolving threat that needs to be taken into consideration in the future studies.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Ivan Cvitić, Dragan Peraković, Marko Periša, Siniša Husnjak

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