A Hybrid Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Bi-objective Time Window Assignment Vehicle Routing Problem

  • Manman Li School of transport, Southeast university, China
  • Jian Lu Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Urban ITS, Jiangsu Province Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Urban Traffic Technologies and School of Transportation, Southeast University
  • Wenxin Ma
Keywords: vehicle routing, time window assignment, uncertain demand, time-dependent travel time, multi-objective genetic algorithms, local search


Providing a satisfying delivery service is an important way to maintain the customers’ loyalty and further expand profits for manufacturers and logistics providers. Considering customers’ preferences for time windows, a bi-objective time window assignment vehicle routing problem has been introduced to maximize the total customers’ satisfaction level for assigned time windows and minimize the expected delivery cost. The paper designs a hybrid multi-objective genetic algorithm for the problem that incorporates modified stochastic nearest neighbour and insertion-based local search. Computational results show the positive effect of the hybridization and satisfactory performance of the metaheuristics. Moreover, the impacts of three characteristics are analysed including customer distribution, the number of preferred time windows per customer and customers’ preference type for time windows. Finally, one of its extended problems, the bi-objective time window assignment vehicle routing problem with time-dependent travel times has been primarily studied.

Author Biography

Manman Li, School of transport, Southeast university, China

Manman Li was born January 7, 1991 in Shaanxi, China. She completed her bachelor's degree and Master's degree at Dalian Maritime University  in Liaoning, China. She is now  a Ph.D. candidate at Southeast university in Jiangsu, China


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How to Cite
Li M, Lu J, Ma W. A Hybrid Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Bi-objective Time Window Assignment Vehicle Routing Problem. Promet [Internet]. 2019Oct.18 [cited 2025Feb.22];31(5):513-25. Available from: https://traffic.fpz.hr/index.php/PROMTT/article/view/3057